Exhibition Spaces
Site types, pricing and booking links
PLEASE READ the Exhibitor Information prior to making a booking
Bookings for 2025 will open in February.
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Outdoor Sites
Outdoor sites located on our circular road system that eliminates dead ends and promotes excellent traffic flow around the site. Exhibition sites are available in 6m & 10m frontages and the majority enjoy a 14m depth.
Outdoor Pricing
10m frontage x 14m deep $990
6m frontage x 14m deep $690
6m frontage x 6m deep $690
Livestock sites are also available on the Livestock Road for breeders and breed societies.
10m frontage x 10m deep $220

Indoor Sites
Indoor sites are located in the Founders Pavilion, with plenty of natural light, high ceiling, concrete floor and 12 entrances spaced evenly around the building. Exhibition spaces are available in 3x3m, 4x3m or multiples thereof. There is no shell scheme provided.
Indoor pricing
3m frontage x 3m deep $660
4m frontage x 3m deep $880

Veranda Sites
Veranda sites surround the Founders Pavilion and have a concrete floor with colour bond roof above. Roof clearance at the lowest point 2.5m, making these sites sites a great balance of indoor and outdoor space without the requirement for a marquee. Sites are 6m deep and available in 3m or 6m frontages.
Veranda pricing
3m frontage x 6m deep $590
6m frontage x 6m deep $880
Multiple site bookings/payments will attract a 10% discount on additional sites (discount on cheaper site if applicable).

Great Value
Make the most of your marketing budget! You can reach thousands of potential customers for as little as $590. Have your clientele interact with your products or services and build long-term relationships. There is a range of entertainment, talks and demos to attract visitors to the event, giving you the opportunity to promote your business directly to thousands of attendees.

Great Crowds
Approximately 20,000 people visit the event each year, travelling from all over Australia and New Zealand. The event is the premiere Field Days event in Central West NSW and the largest annual event in the Mudgee Region. With attractions and exhibitors spread around the site, visitors flow smoothly around the rings roads and through the pavilion.

Great Exposure
In a world full of online shopping and impersonal transactions, take the opportunity to connect with your potential customers face-to-face. Build relationships and your business through meaningful interactions with the wide variety of visitors that the event attracts. The Official Program is also delivered throughout NSW in The Land newspaper to capture those who cannot attend the event.

Targeted Audience
Whilst the event is traditionally based in Agriculture, it has developed over time to include caravan and camping, sustainable living, fashion parades, kids activities, health services, agribusiness and more. Visitors are attracted to the wide variety of products, services and entertainment. There is literally something for everyone!