Bookings for 2025 will open in February.
2025 Mudgee Small Farm Field Days
Set-up Days: Weds 9th & Thurs 10th July
Event Days: Fri 11th & Sat 12th July
Pack-up Day: Sunday 13th & Monday 14th July
Please ensure you have also read and agree to the terms and conditions for participation at the Mudgee Small Farm Field Days. Terms and conditions are contained in the application forms or are available from the office upon request. Submission of an application form will deem that you agree to the terms and conditions.
1 February: Applications Open (applications will be received until sites are full)
28 February: Deadline for 2024 exhibitors to apply for their previous site
April: Site allocation for new exhibitors begins (will not commence before April)
15 May: Payment Due Date
30 May: Deadline for advertising in Official Program (organised by The Land)
9-10 July: Set-up days 8am-6pm (all sites must be set up by 6pm Thursday)
11-12 July: Gates open 8:30am-4:30pm each day (no dismantling before 4:30pm Sat)
13-14 July: Pack-up days 9am-4pm
The Mudgee Small Farm Field Days (MSFFD) is a two-day, annual event that has been running for over 40 years and attracts approximately 20,000 attendees per year.
MSFFD began in 1977 with the aim to educate small land holders in the region. The event has grown to include several other areas of interest including sustainable living, gardening, caravan and camping, clothing and footwear, tools and machinery, educational and health services, food and wine. As well as commercial stalls, there are kids activities, live music and more entertainment. Something to suit the whole family!
MSFFD pride ourselves on the range of free talks and demonstrations on offer. There are Livestock and Horse demonstrations, Dog Trials, Agronomy Plots, Horticulture and Food/Butchery Talk Tents, Landcare Lecture Series, a Festival of Yesteryear, as well as a wide variety of talks and demos on exhibitors sites.
Our aim is to promote innovation and sustainability in agriculture and rural living.
Our mission is to inform, educate and connect rural people with information and solution providers.
Returning exhibitors do NOT need to submit the application form, you can simply reply to our email and we will re-book your site.
The deadline for applications from exhibitors who exhibited in 2024, and wish to be allocated the same site again, is 28 February 2025. You must advise MSFFD of your intention to exhibit by this date. If no application has been received by this date, the site you were allocated in 2024 may not be available.
If you did not exhibit at the 2024 MSFFD, you will need to submit an application. Online bookings are preferred, go to www.mudgeefielddays.com.au/book to apply. Allocations of sites for new exhibitors will be made in chronological order from the application date and will not commence until after 1st April.
Payment from ALL exhibitors must be received in full by 15th May 2025.
Sites are not confirmed until full payment has been received.
If your application is accepted after this date your account must be paid in full to secure your site.
Multiple site bookings attract a 10% discount on additional sites (discount on cheaper site).
Site allocations will be at the sole discretion of MSFFD and can be changed at any time. MSFFD will endeavour to accommodate the requests of all exhibitors.
MSFFD reserve the right to refuse any application for any reason.
Exhibitors are not permitted to sell or provide food or coffee from their sites without MSFFD authorisation.
Information and application forms for coffee and catering are different to general exhibitors. Coffee and food vendors are required to tender for site positions. Please see the appropriate section for more details.
Exhibitor (personnel) passes are allocated according to site type and size, as per the application form. If you require extra passes, they are available for exhibitors to purchase at a discount rate ($20 for a 2 day pass) prior to the event via the MSFFD office or on your application form.
Exhibitor packs (including passes) are to be collected from the office when you arrive on the set-up days, prior to proceeding to your site.
Please have your wristbands ON, ready to show at the gate each morning. If you do not have your wristband on, it causes a queue of vehicles and delays for everybody to get on site.
No passes available for purchase on event days. If you don’t have adequate passes, you will need to wait until 8:30am and pay for entry via the public entry gates.
If you do not think you will arrive by 6pm Thursday, you need to inform us so we can let you know how to collect your passes.
You may be required to show your wristband and car pass on pack-up days. Please ensure you have these available.
There is only ONE exhibitor entrance this year, via Ulan Rd.
ULAN RD – ULAN RD Exhibitor AND Public car park
HENRY LAWSON DR – HL Public car park
There is ONE type of VEHICLE PASS. This pass allows access to the exhibitor car parks as well as the exhibition area. No extra vehicle passes are available for purchase due to limited car parking spaces. There is plenty of free parking in the public car parks.
Vehicle passes MUST be displayed face up on your dashboard AT ALL TIMES.
A vehicle pass does not mean automatic entry to the field days – exhibitor passes/wristbands must still be presented at the gate. NO PASS = NO ENTRY
The site will be open to exhibitors at 6am Friday morning and 6:30am Saturday morning. Any vehicles taken onto the exhibition area must be placed ENTIRELY on the exhibitor’s site or removed to the car park by 8am. Vehicles will be allowed back on site from 4:30pm Friday and Saturday. The site will close at 6pm Friday and 7pm Saturday. The entry gates to exhibitor car parks will be locked at 8am in the interest of safety and will not reopen until 4:30pm. Vehicles that do not fit within your site, or that you may wish to move prior to 4:30pm, need to be parked in a car park. MSFFD reserves the right to remove vehicles, for safety or other purposes, from anywhere on the site. Vehicles are not to be parked ANYWHERE else in the exhibition area.
No truck access on Friday morning. All large items must be on site by 6pm Thursday.
Failure to comply with these conditions may result in your vehicle pass being forfeited and you risk not being invited back to future events. Please ensure all staff are advised of these restrictions.
Vehicles are NOT permitted to drive on site from 8am-4:30pm. If you abuse it, you’ll lose it.
We will again be trialling exhibitors camping on site in 2025. (see Camping for more info)
Contact Mudgee Tourist Information Centre for other accommodation options on (02) 6372 1020.
The official program will be published by The Land. This is distributed prior to the field days through The Land newspaper and at the gates during the event. The program also features the site map and includes an alphabetical and categorical listing of all exhibitors registered at the time of deadline (30th May).
We suggest you include your site number in any advertising, please confirm with MSFFD.
If you receive any other invitations via mail, email or fax for official guides, event programs or attendees lists etc please let us know and, if they are requesting money, report them to the Department of Fair Trading.
Due to the airstrip being directly adjacent to the site, no aerial exhibits such as drones are permitted. Please also be mindful of any other materials that may pose a threat to the airport, such as balloons or tall exhibits.
Sites are held for previous years site holders up until 28 February. Following that date, vacant sites are available to be allocated to any exhibitor at the discretion of the organisers of MSFFD. Allocations from new exhibitors will not commence until after 1st April.
MSFFD has the right to allocate sites as it determines. We will do our best to accommodate the requests of all exhibitors. Application for a site does not guarantee your acceptance, whether you’re a returning or new exhibitor. MSFFD reserves the right to accept or refuse any application for any reason.
Every effort is made to mark out sites accurately, but if there is confusion regarding the size of your site contact the office PRIOR to setting up as mistakes can happen.
Please ensure that the site size you have selected will accommodate your exhibit. Eg: DO NOT select a site with a 6 meter front and expect to erect a tent with a 7 meter front. You will be required to alter/move your exhibit to fit within your site boundaries. BE aware that due to the pizza shape of the exhibition area, sites are not perfectly rectangle, see application form for more accurate sizing.
There will be ATM’s on site in locations to be shown on the 2025 site map.
EFTPOS is available on the general admission gates. We encourage exhibitors to have personal EFTPOS terminals available for the public to use.
MSFFD do not allow bark chip to be used on sites as it harms the grass. AREC is used for many other activities throughout the year and the grassed areas are to be preserved for these. If you use bark chip you may be charged a clean up fee to remove any remaining debris.
Straw is suitable for display and bedding purposes and can be purchased for $20/bale prior to event.
Dirty vehicles, machinery and equipment carry diseases, pests and weeds. Please wash down all equipment prior to arriving at the event to prevent transporting unwanted pests, diseases and weeds to our site.
MSFFD are trialling exhibitors camping on site to assist exhibitors with cost effective accommodation.
Camping can be booked with your application at $150 per person. Thursday, Friday & Saturday nights only. Limited sites, first in first served. Bookings must be received by 30th May unless sold-out prior.
Camping will be in a designated area, NOT in the exhibition area. NO access to the exhibition area outside of exhibitor opening times. Security will be on site, anyone found without appropriate wristband or disobeying camping rules will be escorted off site. No antisocial behaviour accepted.
No power or water at individual sites. Fires permitted in off-ground fire drums only. Generators must be turned off by 10pm. Campers must be back on site by 10pm.
The Exhibitor agrees that 75% refunds are given for cancellations made in writing more than 8 weeks prior to the first day of the event (until 15th May 2025), 50% refunds are given for cancellations made in writing more than 4 weeks but less than 8 weeks prior to the first day of the event (from 16th May until 12th June 2025), and that no refund is payable for cancellations made less than 4 weeks prior to the event (from 13th June 2025).
MSFFD encourage demonstrations on your site as it engages the visiting public.
Please be aware of issues with dust, noise and safety during these demonstrations and be courteous to nearby site holders. MSFFD has the right to refuse any demonstration and some aerial or high-risk demonstrations will not be permitted.
Please let us know if you are conducting any demonstration on your site, for our records.
Exhibitors are encouraged to make their sites look appealing and engaging. Exhibitors are responsible for making sure all materials are secured safely and do not disturb other exhibitors or the public.
Display materials are to be displayed on your site ONLY, not anywhere else (including banners or sign boards etc). MSFFD reserves the right to remove any exhibit or item for any reason, including offensive materials or items not located wholly within your site.
NO DOGS/PETS ARE ALLOWED on site, except for working dogs who are competing in the yard dog trials and guide/medical aid dogs with identification. MSFFD reserves the right to ask you to leave the grounds if you have a pet in your possession.
This applies to exhibitors as well as visitors. Please don’t ask to bring your pet.
Electricity is NOT included in the site price. If you wish to use electricity, you must book and pay for it PRIOR to the event. Electricity can be used for TV’s, computers, EFTPOS etc, but NOT for electric heating items (eg jugs and heaters) as they may overload the system. Gas heaters are allowed.
There are 15amp power outlets available to most sites. Power outlets are located within 30 metres of most sites. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to provide a single length heavy duty/industrial lead to be used from the power outlet to the exhibitor’s location.
All leads and electrical equipment are required to have current “test and tag” certification. In the interests of safety, MSFFD reserves the right to confiscate any electrical equipment or leads that do not meet “Test & Tag” requirements. MSFFD will not be liable for any damage to your stock/equipment as a result of electrical equipment and leads not meeting requirements.
There will be an electrician on site to monitor electricity connections. If your leads are not tested and tagged, the electrician has the right to confiscate them or charge a fee to test and tag.
Placement of some exhibits may be governed by power requirements. If you are not sure of your requirements, please contact your electrician. If your power requirements are not detailed on your application and they exceed those provided, you may incur extra charges for electricity supply or be required to remove that connection.
The MSFFD power grid is connected to public supply and therefore can be affected by outside influences. All exhibitors must supply their own surge protection equipment and regularly save any computer data that may be affected by loss of power.
In the event of a large-scale emergency, please contact 000 first, then the MSFFD office on 02 6372 3899.
Fire protection and other emergency services will be located on site during opening hours of the event.
First Aid services will be at a location shown on the site map for any minor injuries or illnesses.
Tents, marquees and fittings such as tables, chairs and partitions must be ordered through hire companies (at the expense of the exhibitor) prior to the field days. We do not have a preferred supplier.
NO sites have tables, chairs, partitions etc included in their site fees. There is NO “shell scheme” included with the indoor sites. You need to arrange for this equipment yourself.
Forklifts and telehandlers available on Set-up days, Saturday evening and Pack-up days ONLY. Bookings are taken on a first in first serve basis upon arrival, no bookings can be made prior to arrival.
Outside these dates, you will need to organise your own loading and unloading equipment, which can only take place with prior arrangement and at MSFFD’s discretion. ALL items MUST be removed from the site by 25 July 2025.
Maximum capacity of forklifts and telehandlers apply. Check with MSFFD for weight restrictions.
Further details will be sent to exhibitors in the lead up to the event.
The lighting of fires is permitted on sites ONLY with prior consent from MSFFD. Fires must be contained within a fire drum and must not scorch the grass or leave any remnants behind. A clean up fee will be charged if damage does occur.
In the case of an uncontrolled fire please contact 000 and the MSFFD office on 02 6372 3899.
There is a range of food and drinks available at community run and commercial outlets during the event days. On the set-up days, food and coffee are only available at some of the outlets.
Exhibitors catering available – more information will be provided to Exhibitors leading up to the event.
Exhibitors are NOT permitted to sell or provide food or drinks from their sites without MSFFD authorisation. Light refreshments only may be provided to the public (eg food samples).
All food sites must meet food handling and safety requirements and need to register with Food Standards Australia as a temporary food event. This can be done at www.foodnotify.nsw.gov.au.
As well as the exhibitor and product directory in the event guide, exhibitors are encouraged to take advantage of the search function available on the MSFFD website. You are encouraged to list as many key words or phrases (not long sentences) as you wish, separated by a comma, that visitors can then use to search for your products at the event.
You’ll be asked for key words on your booking form and these can be updated on your online profile.
Any exhibitor wishing to bring livestock to the event must check with MSFFD prior for approval and so appropriate requirements can be met (eg ear tags, LLS forms etc).
Sheep for demonstrations may be able to be arranged through the MSFFD office, please ask when booking. All animals must be correctly cared for during the event.
Livestock Panels: A limited number of cattle panels are available to hire. Livestock Exhibitors can request these when booking.
Please be respectful of neighbouring sites when carrying out demonstrations. Loud spruiking is not permitted. Microphones or loudspeakers are not permitted in the Founders Pavilion. MSFFD has the authority to demand the removal of any equipment that negatively affects other exhibitors or the general public.
The site is open to exhibitors from 6am-6pm Friday 11th and 6.30am-7pm Saturday 12th July 2025.
The site is open to the public from 8:30am-4:30pm on Friday and Saturday.
Your site must be staffed and operating for the hours of 8.30am to 4:30pm on both event days. Sites are to be in operation until 4:30pm on Saturday and exhibitors who pack up earlier than this may not be invited back. NO vehicle movements are permitted during public opening hours.
MSFFD do NOT offer paid announcements made over the PA system during the field days. Announcements are primarily used for important notices, demonstration times and sponsors. If you’d like to become a sponsor, please approach us. Do NOT approach the announcer to request an announcement.
We offer a FREE parcel pick-up service. This is a FREE service, so please utilise it.
You sell a product to your customer, we pick it up and deliver it to a depot at either the Henry Lawson or Ulan Rd public car park for collection by the customer prior to leaving.
Eligible items 20-40kg or by individual discretion (eg awkwardly shaped items that would be difficult for the customer to carry).
Cut-off time 3pm to ensure all parcels can be collected and delivered to the car parks by 4:30pm.
If you think you will utilise this service, please indicate this on your booking. You will be supplied with a docket book in your exhibitor pack with instructions on how to arrange pick ups. We will then collect the books back on Saturday afternoon after 3pm.
Written permission from MSFFD must be obtained before any permanent structure, including permanent signs or cement footings, can be erected.
All exhibitors and site holders must hold their own Public Liability Insurance with an indemnity of not less than $10 million covering them against any occurrence attributable to their site/exhibit/activities or the activities of any person for whom they are responsible. An exhibitor who chooses not to have this insurance will not be allocated a site.
We require a Certificate of Currency for Public Liability insurance that covers the event days. If your current certificate covers the event days, please include it with your application. If it expires prior to the event, please notify us of the renewal date and then provide it to us at your earliest convenience once renewed.
You will NOT be permitted to set up if we have not received a valid Certificate of Currency.
Raffles, competitions or “games of chance” are limited at the event to avoid overwhelming or annoying the public. They are only permitted on sites with the consent of MSFFD. All exhibitors wishing to conduct raffles or other promotions MUST seek written approval prior to the event. The raffle must also be operated legally and wholly within the confines of the allocated site. MSFFD reserves the right to refuse any application.
There are 3 machinery loading ramps available on site. Please see the site map or ask the office for more information. There is also a portable loading ramp available for livestock exhibitors.
Rubbish removal occurs regularly and all rubbish must be placed in or at the bins for collection. We encourage exhibitors to recycle where possible. Cardboard boxes MUST be folded flat and placed in the cardboard collection bays, NOT in skip bins as they’re only emptied daily.
If you have any hazardous materials for disposal, this is your responsibility and will incur a disposal fee if not disposed of correctly.
To comply with the Work Health and Safety Act, each exhibitor is responsible for the creation and maintenance of a safe environment for both their workers and visitors.
The safety of exhibitors, volunteers and visitors must be of utmost consideration at all times. Anyone conducting themselves in a dangerous manner will be asked to leave immediately. Please be aware of the safety of others when demonstrating, moving or using machines or implements. Your exhibit area is an extension of your workplace.
When setting up, look for trip hazards with your tents and other objects on your site. Take care with any sharp hooks, wire, metal or other parts of your displays that may cause a safety issue. Your power leads should be tested and in a safe condition. Don’t forget that children and older people make up part of the audience and your site safety considerations should reflect this.
You are responsible for safety on your site.
Caution: Underground services
Exhibitors and contractors beware: The site has extensive underground power and water. Please check with MSFFD management before digging, driving posts or large tent pegs into the ground. Most underground cables will be marked on the ground, however, please check prior to ANY works being undertaken.
Any digging or driving of posts/pegs will be at your own risk and you assume all liability for any injury, death or property damage (and repair costs) if you have not had prior permission from MSFFD.
A security firm is employed to guard THE SITE during the event. More information provided to exhibitors.
Exhibitors are required to take sensible precautions with their products or other items when leaving their site unattended. As always, you should have suitable insurance cover for your property. MSFFD will not be held liable for any loss or damage to exhibitors property whilst on site.
Police are based on site during opening hours on event days and are located down from the MSFFD office.
The site is available for set-up from 8am-6pm Wednesday 9th & Thursday 10th July 2025 and pack-up is 4:30pm-7pm Saturday 12th, 9am–4pm Sunday 13th July & 9am-4pm Monday 14th July 2025.
Free unloading/loading facilities will be available during this time ONLY. More information sent to exhibitors prior to the event.
Please limit the number of vehicles on site during set-up to alleviate congestion on internal roads.
No trucks allowed access Friday morning, all large items must be on site by 6pm Thursday.
All items must be removed by Friday 25th July 2025.
Small square straw bales for display purposes or bedding are available for purchase ($20/bale) and can be ordered with your booking. They will be placed on your site on Thursday 10th July and remain your responsibility after this. If you don’t want to take them at the end of the event, please leave them stacked near the front of your site for collection.
NO Exhibitors shall assign, lease, sub-lease, on-sell or part with the possession of the whole or part of their site without prior written application to MSFFD management.
Only displays that have a genuine company link with an exhibitor can be shown on their stand. This means that unless an exhibitor owns, sells or distributes a particular line of product (or service) on a normal, continuing yearlong basis from the principal business house, it cannot be displayed.
Mobile phone coverage is available throughout the field days site. However, please consider that high population density over the event days may affect internet speed and availability.
We have installed wi-fi boosters for exhibitors Point-of-Sale devices and are constantly trying to improve wi-fi/coverage for exhibitors. The sheer volume of people on site makes this a difficult task so please be patient.
More information provided to exhibitors closer to the event.
Town water is available at various locations on site, which is for general use only. Large quantities of water may be arranged for an additional fee.
A wash bay is available for washing down vehicles, please ask staff for directions. No vehicles/machinery are to be washed on your site as puddles may negatively affect neighbouring sites and create a safety issue for the public.
MSFFD is an outdoor, all-weather event and is staged regardless of the weather (excepting extreme weather events).
In wet weather, we make every effort to ensure site access. Internal roads are compacted, generally hold up well in wet weather and have gutters to direct the water flow. Do NOT clog the gutters with straw or anything else as this amplifies the water logging issue. Contact MSFFD office with any safety concerns.
Take care not to disrupt the ground/surface of your site during set up, particularly during wet weather. Any damage to the ground can cause public safety issues eg uneven surfaces, which are your responsibility, and may lead to costs associated with repairs.
It is your responsibility to make sure your tents/exhibits are secure. Please ensure unsecured items are placed inside tents or tied down at the end of each day in the case of bad weather overnight.
We hope you find value in Exhibiting with us.
We look forward to working with you to make the event a great success!
MSFFD Team 😊