Food & Coffee Catering at the
Mudgee Small Farm Field Days
Applicants will be informed whether they’ve been successful or not by mid-April.
The Mudgee Small Farm Field Days has a mix of caterers that include local community groups, commercial catering businesses & coffee vendors.
The total number of caterers are restricted so that those providing catering can expect a reasonable return for their efforts.
To apply to be a caterer at the Mudgee Small Farm Field Days you need to complete the Caterers Application Form not the regular exhibitors application form. These forms are sent out in March, so to register your interest please email us prior to this.
Caterers are separate to regular exhibitors and a different set of rules apply.
Types of catering.
If you are accepted as a caterer, you are not permitted to sell coffee or other hot drinks. You are only permitted to sell meal type items and cold drinks.
Coffee Vendors
If you are accepted as a coffee vendor, you are not permitted to sell meal type items. You may sell an accompaniment to the coffee, for example: a cookie, piece of cake, muffin etc.
Exhibitors with food/drinks.
Regular exhibitors are not permitted to sell or giveaway meal type items or drinks. They may sell packaged food items such as: fudge, nuts, popcorn, packaged coffee beans/grounds, packaged biscuits, candy, fruit, ice cream etc. If you are unsure whether your product is acceptable, please contact the office prior to booking.
As with other exhibitors we do not regulate the number of these exhibitors, in the same way we do not regulate the number of exhibitors selling tractors, we leave this to open market forces.
Exhibitors who wish to sell alcohol at the event need to contact the office prior to booking.
Terms and Condition 18: Should any activities undertaken by an Exhibitor require a licence or permit of some type, it is the Exhibitors responsibility to ensure such licences or permits are in place with any approving authority or agency.
If you have any queries regarding our policy on food, catering and coffee sales or would like to apply to be a caterer or coffee vendor please complete the form opposite.